Manual therapy for lumbar disc herniation and sciatica
SAR 200.00 ( with the VAT tax )venue: Physical in Saudi German Hospital – Aseer مكان الكورس : حضوري في المستشفى السعودي الألماني – عسير 16 CME Hrs Target audience Family Medicine,Pediatrics,Emergency Medicine,Orthopedic Surgery,General Practice,Neurology,Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ,Neuropathology,Nursing,Physiotherapy,Physiotherapy ‐ Neurological,Physiotherapy ‐ Musculoskeletal,Physiotherapy ‐ Pediatrics,Physiotherapy ‐ Sport Physical Therapyقراءة المزيد -
Revolutions in Stroke Resolutions
SAR 500.00 ( with the VAT tax )Target Audience Emergency doctors, Nurses, Emergency medical services, Neurologists, General Practitioners, Family medicine doctors, General medicine doctors, ICU CCU Doctors and technicians, cardiology Doctors, Neurosurgery Doctors.قراءة المزيد -
Sports Injures Treatment By Kinesio Tapping
SAR 200.00 ( with the VAT tax )venue: Physical in Saudi German Hospital – Aseer مكان الكورس : حضوري في المستشفى السعودي الألماني – عسير 16 CME Hrs Target audience Family Medicine,Pediatrics,Emergency Medicine,Orthopedic Surgery,General Practice,Neurology,Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ,Neuropathology,Nursing,Physiotherapy,Physiotherapy ‐ Neurological,Physiotherapy ‐ Musculoskeletal,Physiotherapy ‐ Pediatrics,Physiotherapy ‐ Sport Physical Therapyقراءة المزيد -
فعالية اليوم العالمي للتمريض جامعة طيبة
FREE PDF اليوم العالمي للتمريضقراءة المزيد -
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