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11TH International Annual

Rheumatology Conference

2023 DEC

Conference Chairman's word

In the name of ALLAH, the most merciful, the most gracious

There is no field of medicine more broad and fascinating than rheumatology. Our field is, after all, the in vivo expression of immunology. Rheumatology is the sum of all symptoms, the accumulation of all physical findings, the full expression of all laboratory abnormalities, the library of all radiological manifestations, and the catalogue of all pathological features that can occur when the immune system goes awry – whatever the cause.
Rheumatology is also the litany of local insults to joints, muscles, bones, and tendons that develop either acutely or as the result of wear, tear, overuse, aging, and other processes of life. Finally, rheumatology is the emotional impact of these disorders on the lives of human beings.

There is no field of medicine in which therapies have advanced more dramatically since the start of this century than in rheumatology. Our growing ability to treat rheumatological problems and transform patients’ lives is a gift to patients, and a privilege for those who love this field.

As a part of our mission as physicians dealing with the human life, we are trying to widen the knowledge among practioners in the field of rheumatology as well as outside it, increase awareness and update our practice in the management of the wide array of rheumatic diseases to convoy the great advances in this nice specialty worldwide, with great care of balancing both; safety and efficacy.

It is our pleasure and honor to have eminent professors, national and international, from Saudi Arabia and Egypt, as well as eminent professors from one of the most prestigious international medical centers; Mayo Clinic, with which SGH Riyadh has collaboration.

We hope to achieve these goals in our annual Saudi German Hospital Rheumatology Symposium in its 11th edition through a long journey started 2012 till now.

May ALLAH ALMIGHTY  accept all our deeds and make them useful, fruitful and exclusive for him.

Dr. Khaled Fathy
Conference Chairman
Consultant and head of Rheumatology Unit
SGH Riyadh

فقط بعض الكلمات

تعرف أكثر حول هدف الحدث


الغرفة التجارية في المدينة المنورة 


18 – 19  ديسمبر 

11th International Annual Rheumatology Conference

SR 200


SR 150




Lab specialists & technicians

SR 100



نظرة ليومك في المؤتمر

جدول المؤتمر

اليوم الاول

اليوم الثاني
